Kurt Busch Calls Johnson 5-Time Chump, Denies Remarks, Destroys Reporter's Notes at Richmond

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,137 posts

I believe we've seen this out of the car type behavior before from Jack Roush's "favorite son." Seems to run in the family.

An excerpt from a longer piece recapping Saturday night's actions and "memory loss" by Kurt Busch at Richmond:

Losing so much of his cool could hurt Kurt Busch's drive
By Jenna Fryer - The Associated Press
Sunday, Sep. 11, 2011

RICHMOND, Va. Kurt, meanwhile, starts the Chase ranked seventh in the standings and nine points behind his little brother. But the prospect of him being able to win a second title seemed slim after yet another run-in with Jimmie Johnson proved Busch struggles to control his anger especially when it comes to the five-time defending champion.

Their latest dust-up began before the halfway point of Saturday night's race when contact sent Johnson sailing into the wall. The contact didn't appear to be deliberate, but because of the tension between the two, Johnson retaliated 56 laps later.

Initially, Busch seemed to take delight in Johnson's reciprocation and seemed rather pleased when he yelled "I've got your number!" over his team radio.

But his mood soured quickly after his fifth-place run. Busch referred to Johnson as a "five-time chump," boasted he was "in (Johnson's) head" and intimated it's been equipment not talent that's led to all of Johnson's success.

"He's got to learn how to race," Busch said. "He's been able to beat the guys the last five years by outdriving them with what he has for equipment. If he wants to switch equipment, let's see what we can do. I'm going to beat him fair and square with my Penske Dodge."

But somewhere in the hourlong post-race celebration, Busch lost his composure. He argued with a reporter on pit road who asked about the incident with Johnson, then renewed the discussion more than 30 minutes later in the media center until a NASCAR official ordered him to take a seat at the podium.

It was already tense, and only heightened when Johnson entered the room and sat down at the opposite end of the stage. And when Johnson was asked about Busch's claim of being in his head, Busch denied ever making the remark even though he said it during a live national telecast.

When shown the transcript provided by team manufacturer Dodge, Busch tore the paper in half.

And....from SBNAtion.com:

NASCAR At Richmond: Kurt Busch Has To Be Restrained From Going After Reporter
Sep 10

by Jay W. Pennell

It started with a simple question to Kurt Busch from NASCAR.com reporter Joe Menzer following two on-camera interviews by ESPN and MRN on pit road at Richmond International Raceway.

Kurt, can either you or Jimmie win the Chase Menzer began to ask.

Before Menzer could finish his thought, Busch cut him off.

How did I see you were going to come with that? Were good. Busch said.

In an attempt to end the interview, Busch turned away and started walking down pit road. Menzer called after him and said the question was legitimate following the multiple incidents with Jimmie Johnson during Saturday nights race.

At that moment, Busch turned around yelling expletives at Menzer, coming at him as if he wanted to fight. As he called Menzer names and continued to try to get at him, team members from Buschs Penske Racing team had to physically restrain Busch.

Earlier, Busch called Johnson a five-time chump after finishing fifth on Saturday.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,137 posts

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Frank Craig
14 years ago
71 posts
I think Kurt can say anything he wants as long as he in in a Dodge!! But if he changes makes he should be thrown out of nascar along with his brother!!!
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,137 posts
JJ... I am right with you on it appearing Kurt locked his brakes at Richmond.. and not having been there, depending on various printed reports detailing his behavior out of the car

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Cody Dinsmore
14 years ago
589 posts
Ya know, I used to not like Kurt at all, but I think he's gotten better. This whole mish-mash is gonna get the press to hate him....but look at it this way, he's the only one that'll stand up to JJ.
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts
Be sure to catch The Legendtorial on Racin' Through History Tuesday. Although this issue is not addressed directly, it is mentioned as I wrote the Legendtorial before this Forum post was put up. You'll get a little of my take on the situation.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Richard Guido
14 years ago
238 posts
What about Kurt's agression towards Menzer ? Walking away can be the hardest thing to do. Kurt should take a lesson from his younger brother who is very good at walking away from themedia.
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
I think Jimmie is in Kurt's head. I'm just sayin.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
William Horrell
14 years ago
175 posts

Very Perceptive Jeff...I think we have a winner...You NAILED it and did not even use a hammer...

JimmieIS in Kurt'shead..If he were not ,thewordJimmie would not be coming out of Kurt's mouth...