Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

Good Morning All!

This is a newsflash for all of those with whom I communicate regularly here on Racers Reunion. It is over, done, finished, concluded, and will be no more.

Since the inception of the NASCAR Fan Council I have been one of the 12,500 members, not that this was an exclusive club but in the overall scheme of the millions of fans NASCAR claims to have, I did feel sort of special. This morning I had an e-mail from the Fan Council stating that in order to remain a member I must update my information. Last year, when I was really upset with NASCAR I tried to get out but the e-mails kept coming and they would not remove me. However, this morning, when I completed the information update and answered one question that I AM involved with radio and/or written press, I received a notification that I was NOT ACCEPTABLE TO THE NASCAR FAN COUNCIL. I was thanked for my past involvment but was told I was being deleted from their data base immediately. I did write them back and tell them I have been previously deleted from the data base of another site much superior to NASCAR Fan Council so I wouldn't get upset over NASCAR's lack of etiquette.

So, to anyone else renewing your Fan Council membership, don't mention you know me or you're gone!!!! Oh, by the way, that other site let me back in after I had to beg and cry for two days.


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM
Pete Banchoff
14 years ago
279 posts

I will bet that our Legend Tim will not lose any sleep over this. We want you Tim and that's really important! Nascar really doesn't want to hear the truth.


Leon Phillips
14 years ago
626 posts
Plese Tim i beg you do not lose any sleep over this LOL LOL LLL