2012 (2nd Annual) Middle Georgia RacersReunion

Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

I'm always amused (slightly) at those who take the time to correct someone who dares to call the inaugural event a "first annual" event. I can't help it...but I see those who refer to them as "first annual" events as dreamers and the those who correct as doubters. But no one can say anything about a Second Annual Event!

By now many of you have seen "The Master", Johnny Mallonee's fine videos and pictures from MGR. If you haven't, go check them out (here on RR). I want to give a special thanks to the "future" Middle Georgia RacersReunion Chapter for a fantastic event. They deserve a standing ovation...please give them one.

I had the pleasure of attending the event as a guest/spectator and can't begin to tell you how much I enjoyed experiencing the event from that perspective. I was able to take the time to witness and enjoy excited little children, older folks dancing to music, emotional former race drivers, show car enthusiasts loving a great show... and saw the stress turn into smiles (around 4 PM) on the faces of Tim Thornton, Larry Smith, Bunny Coker and the rest of the gang that put on this show. I understand that feeling well.

I'm so very proud for RacersReunion to have been a part of reviving this historic venue. We are all fortunate that track owner, Tim Thornton has become very much interested inpreservingthe facility. His intention when he purchased the property was to use it for commercial development. The movement to keep this historic venue intact is gaining momentum.

I remember well the first meeting in Middle Georgia when John Banks, Tim Leeming, and myself met with Johnny Mallonee, Tommy Clinard, Bob Moore, and Guy Jenkins to go take a look at the track for my first time. Many thanks to that group for daring to dream about possibilities. I also remember well my first conversation with Tim Thornton about the possibilities of holding a Middle Georgia RacersReunion and thinking what a long shot it was to make this a reality.

Since then Tim has rezoned the property to allow for this kind of use. The folks mentioned above and several whose names I don't have, under the direction of Larry Smith, dove in and cleared the property for the first reunion. Now the "second annual" is in the books with the help of even more volunteers. Several more have signed on to be part of the the Third Annual Middle Georgia RacersReunion in 2013.

Great job folks! Please continue to dare to dream. But, please don't forget to act on your dreams. You/we CAN make a difference!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:08:38PM
Cody Dinsmore
13 years ago
589 posts

Very good show! I don't think as many cars, just under last year, but Idefinitelythink that there were lots more vendors and especially spectators. Mine and I think everyone else's favorite part was to see over 20 vintage race cars take 7 laps around the old track, many of the cars were piloted by their original drivers from back in the day too! I also got to meet Tommie Clinard's 8-year old grandson. He reminds me a ton of when I was eight. He already knows a LOT about Dale Sr., Bobby Allison and David Pearson. He might be one of the few of my generation that will carry on the tradition!!!


Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

What a wonderful story.

Lots of good folks converging with a dream and others with the ability to assist the dream.

One day the gang will be celebrating the 12th Renewal at the rate of this wonderful progress!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Tim Leeming
13 years ago
3,119 posts

Awesome report. Thanks Jeff, Jimmy and Cody.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

ray lamm
13 years ago
214 posts

you know i would love to be they.it look like everybody had a awsome time .i will be they 2013.

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

I saw many familiar faces Saturday and many I couldnt remember right off but memorys are easily reloaded.

You have to have the love for racing to understand why some of us think as we do. When those cars fired off for the first laps in over 30+ years I looked around and saw more wet eyes than dry ones. Things move people and this was one of them. The fans cheered so loud you could hear them over the cars.

The Show cars deserve mention too because they were there in force also. You could ride in a Monster Truck and also there were some mean Go Karts too. Sorry Robbie they missed you being here but said they would give you another chance. Oh yeah the still was pumping out that clear stuff that make Indy cars go Zoom Zoom Zoom. Don Tumberlin and company made that happen. In the food dept the Ga Pig did it again yum yum. Cody made the scene literately and sold his share of the scene too.(the Racers Reunion Magazine)...

Jeff Gilder was on the ball too, he has a few juicy videos that he may,or maybe not display her but thats for later im sure...

In most outdoor events you have to have security to keep things in order but you know what???? none were needed here because everyone was enjoying the show ... My hats off to the Larry and crew ---------until next year...:)

Tommie  Clinard
13 years ago
209 posts

Thanks for the mention Cody. Brendan is actually my great grandson. He really enjoyed the time that he spent with you answering your questions about the olden day's. He is still up on cloud nine. He is looking forward to a trip to the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame. Once inside it will be a task to get him out. Thanks again.

It was really a great reunion. I was able to see a lot of old friends that one only has the chance to visit withthanks toevents like this.

When the order was given to fire the engines there was first the roar of the motors then the smell followed by the hair standing out on your arms then the goose bumps then the closed eyes and going back 28+ years..........WOW what memories.

Thanks everyone. Job WELL done.