David Hawkins

New Asheville Speedway

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paul woody
@paul-woody   17 years ago
Nice picture David. look at that crowd.
David Hawkins
@david-hawkins   17 years ago
I wonder what all these people do on Friday nights now ? I don't know what year this picture was took but I think it was after 1994. My car or tow truck is not down there.
gregg williams
@gregg-williams   17 years ago
To answer David's question...we sit around and talk about how we have let the new comers and snobs dictate what we can and can't have in Asheville. Sad. I have recently made it a point of asking native folks if they miss Friday nights..........all walks of life who grew up in Asheville and surrounding areas say, "YES, I MISS IT!" I either go to Newport or Hickory on Saturdays. Gregg Williams
Bryan Ogle
@bryan-ogle   16 years ago
Hey David, I know some summer Fridays I still get that feeling that I need to get down to the track, that I'm going to be late.I starting going to the track with dad when he worked for Jack next to the sand drag early 70s, some days he would take me to work with him and I would play in the sand until it was time to go race. man I long for the days that we all hung out, so many people I've never seen since that last night.
Bryan Ogle
@bryan-ogle   15 years ago
David, was this from the last race? Thank Bryan
David Hawkins
@david-hawkins   15 years ago
I got this one from Dean Jones so I don't even know if it was the last season.
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