Forum Activity for @carl-e-rubrecht

Carl E. Rubrecht
11/19/10 04:20:47PM
2 posts

2010 USA-1 Dragfest on November 13


Hi Guys and Gals - I'm responding to another great "Happening" Saturday - Nov. 13, 2010 - Dave and Rich were the best of the best and as always a more gracious host - Bruce Larson will most likely never be found. I am ever so pleased to be considered a friend. Keep in mind - those photos you saw were only negatives in storage for 40 years - I am always so glad to see "Mashie" - my favorite fan and I reciprocate on that one - I wish I had stayed with it (photographing) - Pam = you are still my favorite "Gal" -- In one and one-half years my life has taken a new meaning and purpose - Thanks to You All!!God has a purpose for Us All and I Praise and Thank the Lord for the Blessings given to me - ALL OF YOU!!Will be seeing all of you again - down the road. Carl E. Rubrecht
Carl E. Rubrecht
09/23/10 06:35:40AM
2 posts

grump udate from polly


Hi, I am kept alert to Bill's condition through Bill Guthrie - Our prayers go out to him. I had the fortune of signatures through Bill Guthrie and also meeting Grumpy at York PA earlier in the year. He again signed some photos and I got my T-shirt (signed) -- Another day - another story on that -- I can't wait to see him again. Racing talent that will never be replaced.-- Also, Jungle Pam says HI!!