Speed, at what cost?
AS an Owner, driver, promoter and fan I hear the pain we all feel. NASCAR put on a retrictor plate to slow down the cars on big tracks which helps the speed but they have fenders as we all know. Indy cars on a high banked oval was tried MANY years ago with bad results. The indy car of today is better on the flatter tracks with out the ability to flat foot around the place. If they do anything I see them LEAVING the high banks to the fender cars and going to road courses, flatter ovals and who knows maybe two races at indy, one on the oval and one on the road course.
Racing will NEVER be safe, I got hurt worse as an offcial than I ever did as a driver.
As long as steps are taken it is not a wasted life BUT if NOTHING is tried then it is.
George Pavlisko