My gift isn't here yet.
At my age I don't get into the whole Flash, Grab and Spent of the Christmas season like my wife does. I don't care much for the clutter it brings to our home and my Son is grown so I don't get the thrill of the perfectly timed gift placement around the tree anymore. I enjoy the holiday but I try to keep the reason for the season first as much as possible and give thanks for the best gift I could ever ask for. Few gifts I need or desire and most would have touched me more years ago, but I do eagerly await a gift to myself each year, and that is the NASCAR Yearbook. I started my collection in 1990 and I've gotten every one since, plus the 73 and 79 as well. I have to promise my family that this will be the last gift I open so I will pay them any attention during the "Gift Opening" ceremonies Christmas morning. But this year it hasn't arrived yet. I'm not terribly worried but I do listen for the UPS truck each night. The website says all books will ship on Dec 12... so where is it? I hear rumors from past years that some people never got theirs. I don't wznt my money back, I want my book. Keeping the faith and trusting Santa comes through again this year.Merry Christmas to all, my this holiday find you well, may you stay safe and may you experience true Joy. God Bless you all.Bumpertag
updated by @bumpertag: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM