Forum Activity for @tom

09/21/08 09:18:12PM
12 posts

Who did they pay off??????

Current NASCAR

Gale, it looks like Kyle's rubber band might be breaking! The broken suspension part last week and a 43rd finish at Dover today! Looks like old saying "Reap what you sow" might be coming into play at the most critical time. He still has alot of growing up to do!I read somewhere else earlier that he wouldn't get back in the car today after his crew worked on it. I don't know if that's the case as I wasn't watching the race today. However, if that's true, he doesn't deserve a ride at all. His crew worked to that car going and he don't even have enough to get back in it and do his part after the crew did their part. He did the same thing at Hendrick last year and look what happened. Dale Jr. got in it and turned some laps and Kyle wonders why Rick let him go.Someone should tell that boy he needs to clean up his attitude. NOBODY owes him anything and he needs to get of his high horse. It's time for the little boy to grow up and be a man!
08/26/08 09:55:02PM
12 posts

Who did they pay off??????

Current NASCAR

It sure seems that Toyota is paying somebody off. I can't believe that they all the sudden became competitive without help. I'll be t Brian and the gang are looking the other way on some things. Also. why hasn't Mr. Busch been called to the carpet for his driving and threats of wrecking others to win. To me , that's not talent nor is champion like behavior, that is a spoiled brat. He wants respect from everybody but doesn't believe in giving it in return. As far as the lack of parity in the Gibbs teams, Kyle is clearly favored. He said after getting canned by Hendrick last year that he wanted an owner who put him first. Well, he got that from Gibbs. Again, he doesn't think he should have earn anything, it should be given to him because he wants it!