Forum Activity for @tom

01/09/12 09:39:28AM
12 posts

Devastating News-The Passing of Wanda Lund


In re-reading my post, I conveyed I was looking for details. That was not totally my intention. I should clear up any misunderstanding I may have conveyed. My intention for my postwas to the fact that NASCAR surprisingly made no mention of Wanda's passing on I am sorry if i may have offended anyone, as that was not my intention. I would also like to pass along my prayers for all of Wanda's family and friends during this difficult time.

01/08/12 05:52:54AM
12 posts

Devastating News-The Passing of Wanda Lund


I can't seem to find out much about this unfortunate tragedy. The last search on Saturday morning on NASCAR.COM turned up nothing. Thankfully, we have Racer's Reunion here. Sometimes I don't think NASCAR cares about it's rich past. I'm not talking about the drivers. People seem to forget about those were behind the success of these guys. You know, when times were tough and everyone was starting out, struggling just to be able to make it to a race. The families of these guys deserve to be recognized and remembered. They sacrificed just as much if not more than the drivers.

11/28/10 11:11:43PM
12 posts

The NASCAR Hall of Fame


I never got to see Richie race- I was only 12 when he passed away and we went to races the races on DIRT tracks in Centrwal New York. I've heard so many stories about him and I've read the book about him.Maybe next year he will get in. Hopefully he can get enough fan votes to get a well deserved place in the HoF.

11/28/10 11:05:34PM
12 posts

The NASCAR Hall of Fame


What I'd like to know is why Richie evans with all his accomplishments didn't get into the HoF. I'd like to see Jerry Cook get in as well.As for Darrell, I used to like him as a driver, but as an announcer, I have no love for him. As far as I'm concerned , Ned Jarrett is the best along with Benny Parsons, Eli Gold, and Winston Kelly when it comes to announcers. Maybe Darrell could learn something from Ned. However, I doubt it because he doesn't stop running his mouth long enough to listen to anyone. Robbie, I have to agree- Cale named him perfectly!
10/29/10 11:46:37PM
12 posts

ford end mercury


Well, I'm sad to see Mercury go. For 20 years, my dad worked for a Lincoln Mercury dealership. I grew loving those big cars that I thought were best looking cars you could buy. I have owned 5 Grand Marquis' and loved them all. Never had a Cougar like I've always wanted, but there were a couple of those in the family as a child. One salesman that worked with my dad used to tell everyone that there was ' nothing like a Mercury'!
12/07/10 10:41:13PM
12 posts

Need your input


I think the consolidating of the dirt site with this is an excellent idea! Growing up in Central New York where Glen Donnelly's Drivers Independent Race Tracks was founded, my first love is DIRT racing. You do an excellent job here already and I think there are many fans of both stock car and dirt racing that people won't mind if you combine the two. As far as the other sites, if people aren't visiting, I can't blame you for dropping them.
03/13/10 10:10:17PM
12 posts

How would you fix NASCAR?


Robbie, I agree your ideas. My dad and I both feel that alot of policies are stupid. The Chase has got to go, those guys outside have a right to race for the championship like the top guys do. As I recall, the reason NASCAR gave for this thing is that anybody outside of the top 12 would be unable to logically win the championship. Well, when the Chase races start, no they can't because they have been pushed out. Another thing we both think are the Cup guys should NOT be allowed to compete in the Nationwide Series. That series is for the guys who want to eventually want to move up. The Cupper have no business there, IMO. They come in and qualify well, pushing some these teams out of the race. I wholeheartedly agree with point 20! The FANS are the reason these guys are able to race. We buy the tickets, buy the products that sponsor them and NASCAR in general. The guys of the good old days stuck around after the race to meet the fans, sometimes long after the checkered flag flew. Keep in mind that these guys drove cars that were tanks compared to what the guys run today. If they could take care of the fans, so can today's drivers. There is no reason they can't take a little time with the fans.Unfortunately, I don't think Brian France is smart enough to listen to your ideas, Robbie. That's another problem as far as I'm concerened, the current management is not all that competent. Brian sure didn't learn much from Bill or Big Bill. I'm not saying that they did everything perfect, but they both seemed to know how to get things done. The one thing I noticed, is that there isn't alot of consistency in enforcing rules and fines.I still watch racing, but not to the extent I used to. I don't enjoy it as much now. Of course, I've followed since the early 80's when coverage was very minimum as child. As I've said before, the 80's are the good old days of racing for me. I miss watching the Allison's, Petty's, Gant, Yarborough, Bonnett, and many more of the day. I guess those guys are a tough act to follow in my mind.
08/09/08 11:41:53PM
12 posts

Prayers Needed


My prayers are with Mrs. Waldon for a full recovery and also with her family during this difficult time.
08/09/08 11:45:00PM
12 posts


Current NASCAR

I met Kenny Scrader when he ran a DIRT Modified at Cayuga County Fairgrounds in Weedsport, N.Y. back in the mid - late 80's. Boy, can the guy can drive anything with 4 wheels on it!
08/09/08 11:52:15PM
12 posts

How long have you been a race fan?

Stock Car Racing History

Does anyone remember when Mike McLaughlin ran DIRT Modifieds in his native upstate NY? Well, that was in the late 70's when I was about 6 or 7. That's when I attended my first race and I've been a racing fan ever since. DIRT Modifieds and NASCAR are what I follow, but will occasionally watch other forms of racing.