Current NASCAR
As has been stated before, there are strong suspicions that not all teams are playing on a level playing field. It's already pretty well documented that penalties for violations of rules are not fairly & evenly distributed. NASCAR & Sir Brian (he does call the shots) have been far from consistent when it comes to decision making and the meting out of fines, suspensions, & point penalties. Many decisions in the past could be interpreted as favoring particular teams. Although not involving a fine or penalty, etc., does anyone remember which team it was that did most of the track testing on the COT before it ever hit the tracks? If you were that team, do you think that might give you a little bit of an edge when those COTs became required? Obviously, there has to be a rule book & the rules have to be enforced. I believe the biggest problem here is the distrust of NASCAR & their track record of rules enforcement. We could talk about many things regarding NASCAR's brilliant decisions, such as the invention of the "Chase" & others............and their competency at running a business, but those are subjects for another discussion.