Forum Activity for @jeffrey-wall

07/31/10 07:17:53AM
2 posts

Pictures of Junior Johnson's race shop.


August Matthew Savarese said:
If anyone is interested in seeing old video of Junior Johnson and his shop, please watch the Nascar Hall of Fame video of Junior Johnson on Speed. I believe they are re-airing the episode all week on speed. It has great shots not only of the old garage throughout the years, but also the original house that Junior grew up in. I seriously want to track down the video of that one interview they had of Junior at his old original house. It looked like it was from the late 60's.
07/31/10 07:15:15AM
2 posts

Pictures of Junior Johnson's race shop.


Hi, visited Juniors shop years ago. Stopped at office and receptionist said they were all over at N. Wilksboro for quailfying so I couldnt get a tour but the shops were open so if I wanted to go back and look around I was welcome. Jumped on that offer and had a great time looking. The shops were a bunch of different buildings, body, trans & gears, engine shops, car assy shop. One interesting thing was this was back when he still ran Chevrolets but there were quite a few Ford race engines in the shop & a storeroom. In fact there was one Ford motor on the dyno. HMMM ????? Also as posted earlier there were bits & pieces behind the shops especialy the body shop. I came upon a large pile of bent up sheet metal and one "unique" pile. it was from a white car used in a nostalgia race and driven by Junior. There were many body pieces with "JUNIORS DO NOT TAKE" written on them. Wish I was able to hone in on a year. If you are ever near there its out in the middle of nowhere but a ride well worth it.