Would there be an NFL if they said "we no longer want to present ourselves as a pro sport series, rather we want to make the NFL go back to the roots of football and play at small high school stadiums"? NASCAR wants to "get back to it's roots", well, guess what, those roots still exist out there....every short track around the country. NASCAR is not grass roots, it is pro sports. If NASCAR goes back to grass roots racing then who becomes the professional racing series? It makes no more sense for NASCAR to no longer want to be a professional sports series than it does for the NFL to no longer want to be a professional sport and to go back to playing at high school stadiums in small towns. What it comes down to is there are already grass roots in all sports, and there are pro series. When has any pro series ever said we no longer want to present ourselves as a professional series and we now want to make ourselves grass roots again....? Fans watch NASCAR, the NFL, the NBA because they want to see the big show, the pros in bigger than life events, the spectacle, the huge stadiums and tracks, etc. So again, I guess if this works, the NFL can improve itself by playing it's games at small town football stadiums. I don't think the NFL would ever lower its standing as the premiere football league by saying we no longer want to continue moving upward as a pro series, rather we want to go backwards and go back to where we all used to play when we were kids......