Forum Activity for @deirdrea-dee

deirdrea (dee)
01/30/14 10:16:43PM
4 posts

What happens, when you don't know "The Rules"? The TRUTH comes out....

Current NASCAR

Wonderful, hats off to you sweety, yes i also am a dirt track daughter, 5 years old (65 now) inGeorgia. Being first born, I was the only 5 yr old that knew what a 5/8's was, lol He instilled the love of cars, racing, dirt, oval you name it.

deirdrea (dee)
03/17/13 12:00:29PM
4 posts

2 spectators killed at Sprint Car race


I agree, the media feeds on tragedies like this,

deirdrea (dee)
03/17/13 11:59:32AM
4 posts

2 spectators killed at Sprint Car race


oh breaks my heart, how awful.

deirdrea (dee)
03/17/13 11:55:39AM
4 posts

2 spectators killed at Sprint Car race


Prayers to the famlies of the lost