Harlow Reynolds


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Hey Dave -Think this is the same car I first sent? Runt Drove this one. This is the Keysville,Va. Shop. Thanks for your help.
--Harlow Reynolds
Dave Fulton
@dave-fulton   12 years ago
Wish I knew for sure, Harlow. You've got some terrific - and historic - photos!
G.T. Nolen
@gt-nolen   12 years ago
I believe that is Shooks modified, they kept the car in the garage under the restaurant. That photo appears to have been taken at the restaurant. I can remember eating lunch there one Friday and they were tuning the car. Couldn't hear a thing inside the resturant!!!
Dan Rogers
@dan-rogers   10 years ago
This is a picture taking by my cousin of a friend and myself with 301in the summer of 1963. I have the original pictures of the car at the shop.I know a lot of the history on this car for it was my hangout after school and on weekends. I helped Shorty work on the car as much as I could, He more or lesstaught me a lot about cars... Dan.....
Harlow Reynolds
@harlow-reynolds   10 years ago
Runt did drive 301--
There was a picture in the pits,that shows sign with Runt name on it.It was one pit box behind the Woodbrothers 2 coupe
Harlow Reynolds
@harlow-reynolds   10 years ago
Runt did drive the 301... but never the Woodbrothers 21 coupe--
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