@doug-rice16 years ago
JAck this is a FANTASTIC logo John did a great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@john-r-bockelman16 years ago
Thanks, Doug! It has been JAck Approved! His heartfelt post on DragList inspired this. Good luck with your project, JAck! JB
@jack-thomas16 years ago
JA, tell us more about this please.
@rob-amos216 years ago
Outstanding Logo that needs to be made in a decal.
@john-r-bockelman16 years ago
Thanks, Rob and Jack! I made a few edits on it this morning, straightened out a couple of shadows, did a little deeper shading on the inside of the wheel...for some reason the particular version that I saved wouldn't upload...it kept bringing the one I did yesterday back...I finally just left it alone...maybe it's supposed to stay just like it was yesterday and I'm not supposed to mess with it anymore! My biggest fault (I have a few, ask my wife) is that nothing I do is ever finished, even if it is finished. So I'm working on letting stuff go once it looks OK. One of the most challenging "car" things for me to draw on a computer is an M&H Racemaster Drag Slick...but that was fun. Jack's post on DragList gave me that mental picture and fired me up to do it. Hope it helps. Thanks again, John
@gary-gore16 years ago
Please tell me about the Jack Redd Foundation ? Sounds neat !GA
@john-r-bockelman16 years ago
Thanks, Gary. I have copied and will now paste the post that Jack made on DragList, which was the inspiration for me to offer him to make the logo. I'd say JA is the man to get with for the details, but I could see that he has the intention of helping disadvantaged kids with a foundation that he will set up.Jack, I hope it's OK with you for me to put this here! JohnHere is the post:Many of your know me as a "FUN" loving guy. But don't p--- me off! First of all, thanks Bill Pratt for this website, Then Julio & Rosa Marra; Nancy Jo (the embroidery factoryMD.com for you name it-just go there)& Willie Zapata; for helping my grandsons benefit for "down syndrome" kids at VMP! More thanks to come laterMy daughter call me ( in April) and said "that the board of education" in a county of eastern shore (Worchester) has given themselves a raise and not the teachers and cut out the summer program for the "handicapped school" for kids. My grandson goes for check-ups at the DuPont Hospital n Wilmington, Delaware. I will get to that later down the line.Sounds like the new "puppets in D.C."However, my GREAT friend and his wife, Julio Marra & Rosa with Nancy Jo & Willie Zapata manned (womanned too) in the tent at VMP a thing for donations for sending a few kids (55 in Bradley Dornes class) to summer school at Cedar Chapel Special School in Snow Hill, Md.The weather was not in a good mood, but; a special thanks to; Mr. Johney Rousey, Doug Rice, Wolfman Jon, Ronnie Bowers, Roosevelt McLellan, Jeff Gilder, Rob Amos and Geoff Bodine Frenzy Wax; Lea Dunham of www.stillrunnin.com , and the VMP crew thanks!Thank you for your donations; Sandy Wheeler (Va.), Michael Howard, William & Mary Sweeney, Susan Goodwin, Echo Goodwin, Victoria Scarborough, Charles West, Bob McCloskey, Robert Lee, Thomas Smith, Sam & Debbie Reece, Dan & Debbie (sorry I can not read your last name), Myron "Jr.) Spring, Gary Bonnett, Jack Knight, Mashie "My Man" Miharko, Benny Green, Zach Ruiz, Bruce Larson, Roosevelt Mc Lellan & family, Jay Trapnell ,Debra Walker, Novis Pearson, Steve Thompson, Herbert Overton Jr ,S & S Racing Team Fred Bear: Dave Hales & Gene Altizer, Crosher-Baltes-Lavato (n Pat), Craig Naylor(Boomer Racing), Bill & Marilyn Jones, Jim & Margie Brown, Dink Dennison, Jo Bonner, Bill Smith,James Whetsell, Bobby Comer, Kim & Terry Davis, Jessica Nelson, Jean Bonnette, Juan Ayala, Lea Dunham (stillrunin.com).George Shiffer, my man man Bob Wilberger, Ronnie & TJ Laubach, Leslie Creech, Jim Follkie, Jackie Fallen, Michael Foxwell, Larry Ledbetter, Vois Pearson, Ursula & Joseph Hamlett, Cliff Whitt, Gary Farmer, Bill Loyd and the S&G RaceTeam.I am sorry if I spelled your names wrong and thank you for your support even when you didn't sign the book; but; THANK YOU for your donations. for the now JACK REDD FOUNDATION for "Down Syndrome " kids: that includes all handicapped kids. Lets go Jeff Gilder & Racersreunion.com & Rob Amos and Geoff Bodine's Frenzy Wax deal; And the "Knight of Columbua"! GOD loves YOU and so do I!If you have some loose change send it to: Cedar Chapel Special School, 510 Coulbourne Lane, Snow Hill, Md. 21863 and mention Bradley Dornes & his grandfather - me!If I see you with anything with a nascar #24 thing on - stay away from me! I will tell you a story about the J.G. & Nascar money deal!What is the banks favorite vowels? I.O.U!Thank the good Lord for this website!Getting older and uglier every day. Have you ever seen a beautiful corpse?What do you call a train without an engine, a caboose, or even any cars?A train of thought!Waiting to get a whole of a JERK that does thinks a soldier is not a HERO! Right VETS & WCB!JAck ReddGOD Bless YOU & the USA!
@ron-horton16 years ago
Nice! Buddy. Of course now that you've seen MY WORK if you need any pointers give me a call..hahaha!!
@john-r-bockelman16 years ago
Yes, I DO need pointers, Ron! I couldn't draw what you did if my life depended on it! It's GREAT! Thanks...JB
JAck this is a FANTASTIC logo John did a great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Doug! It has been JAck Approved! His heartfelt post on DragList inspired this. Good luck with your project, JAck! JB
JA, tell us more about this please.
Outstanding Logo that needs to be made in a decal.
Thanks, Rob and Jack! I made a few edits on it this morning, straightened out a couple of shadows, did a little deeper shading on the inside of the wheel...for some reason the particular version that I saved wouldn't upload...it kept bringing the one I did yesterday back...I finally just left it alone...maybe it's supposed to stay just like it was yesterday and I'm not supposed to mess with it anymore! My biggest fault (I have a few, ask my wife) is that nothing I do is ever finished, even if it is finished. So I'm working on letting stuff go once it looks OK. One of the most challenging "car" things for me to draw on a computer is an M&H Racemaster Drag Slick...but that was fun. Jack's post on DragList gave me that mental picture and fired me up to do it. Hope it helps. Thanks again, John
Please tell me about the Jack Redd Foundation ? Sounds neat !GA
Thanks, Gary. I have copied and will now paste the post that Jack made on DragList, which was the inspiration for me to offer him to make the logo. I'd say JA is the man to get with for the details, but I could see that he has the intention of helping disadvantaged kids with a foundation that he will set up.Jack, I hope it's OK with you for me to put this here! JohnHere is the post:Many of your know me as a "FUN" loving guy. But don't p--- me off! First of all, thanks Bill Pratt for this website, Then Julio & Rosa Marra; Nancy Jo (the embroidery factoryMD.com for you name it-just go there)& Willie Zapata; for helping my grandsons benefit for "down syndrome" kids at VMP! More thanks to come laterMy daughter call me ( in April) and said "that the board of education" in a county of eastern shore (Worchester) has given themselves a raise and not the teachers and cut out the summer program for the "handicapped school" for kids. My grandson goes for check-ups at the DuPont Hospital n Wilmington, Delaware. I will get to that later down the line.Sounds like the new "puppets in D.C."However, my GREAT friend and his wife, Julio Marra & Rosa with Nancy Jo & Willie Zapata manned (womanned too) in the tent at VMP a thing for donations for sending a few kids (55 in Bradley Dornes class) to summer school at Cedar Chapel Special School in Snow Hill, Md.The weather was not in a good mood, but; a special thanks to; Mr. Johney Rousey, Doug Rice, Wolfman Jon, Ronnie Bowers, Roosevelt McLellan, Jeff Gilder, Rob Amos and Geoff Bodine Frenzy Wax; Lea Dunham of www.stillrunnin.com , and the VMP crew thanks!Thank you for your donations; Sandy Wheeler (Va.), Michael Howard, William & Mary Sweeney, Susan Goodwin, Echo Goodwin, Victoria Scarborough, Charles West, Bob McCloskey, Robert Lee, Thomas Smith, Sam & Debbie Reece, Dan & Debbie (sorry I can not read your last name), Myron "Jr.) Spring, Gary Bonnett, Jack Knight, Mashie "My Man" Miharko, Benny Green, Zach Ruiz, Bruce Larson, Roosevelt Mc Lellan & family, Jay Trapnell ,Debra Walker, Novis Pearson, Steve Thompson, Herbert Overton Jr ,S & S Racing Team Fred Bear: Dave Hales & Gene Altizer, Crosher-Baltes-Lavato (n Pat), Craig Naylor(Boomer Racing), Bill & Marilyn Jones, Jim & Margie Brown, Dink Dennison, Jo Bonner, Bill Smith,James Whetsell, Bobby Comer, Kim & Terry Davis, Jessica Nelson, Jean Bonnette, Juan Ayala, Lea Dunham (stillrunin.com).George Shiffer, my man man Bob Wilberger, Ronnie & TJ Laubach, Leslie Creech, Jim Follkie, Jackie Fallen, Michael Foxwell, Larry Ledbetter, Vois Pearson, Ursula & Joseph Hamlett, Cliff Whitt, Gary Farmer, Bill Loyd and the S&G RaceTeam.I am sorry if I spelled your names wrong and thank you for your support even when you didn't sign the book; but; THANK YOU for your donations. for the now JACK REDD FOUNDATION for "Down Syndrome " kids: that includes all handicapped kids. Lets go Jeff Gilder & Racersreunion.com & Rob Amos and Geoff Bodine's Frenzy Wax deal; And the "Knight of Columbua"! GOD loves YOU and so do I!If you have some loose change send it to: Cedar Chapel Special School, 510 Coulbourne Lane, Snow Hill, Md. 21863 and mention Bradley Dornes & his grandfather - me!If I see you with anything with a nascar #24 thing on - stay away from me! I will tell you a story about the J.G. & Nascar money deal!What is the banks favorite vowels? I.O.U!Thank the good Lord for this website!Getting older and uglier every day. Have you ever seen a beautiful corpse?What do you call a train without an engine, a caboose, or even any cars?A train of thought!Waiting to get a whole of a JERK that does thinks a soldier is not a HERO! Right VETS & WCB!JAck ReddGOD Bless YOU & the USA!
Nice! Buddy. Of course now that you've seen MY WORK if you need any pointers give me a call..hahaha!!
Yes, I DO need pointers, Ron! I couldn't draw what you did if my life depended on it! It's GREAT! Thanks...JB