Concord Speedway


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Billy Scott, Metrolina Speedway, Early 70's.
Billy & Barbara Scott
@billy-barbara-scott   11 years ago
Thanks Larry, naturally I like it!!!! You need to put all of these under your name, Then we could pull up all your photos at once. Go to the top left of this page and click "PHOTOS", when the photos come up, under the first row of pictures Type Billy Scott in the "Search Box" and all of Billy's newspaper clippings, magazine articles and photos will come up. There's about 500 or so there. You can put your like that on the site and we can pull up all of your photos there also.You can also see on the right of the search box another box where you can pull up the latest, most popular, etc. If you want any, just send me a note letting me know that you want a copy from it there. All I ask is that you put on them "by permission of Billy Scott". Let us know if you put yours on, as we would like to see all you have also.God bless and we love you,Billy and Barbara Scott
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