Nascar does it again. Their ego is just about ready to get a reality check
Thomas K. Craig
Wednesday January 28 2009, 5:47 PM
I don't know if anybody has read the most recent Nascar news from today. But, it is regarding the most unfortunate incident with the plane crash that occured on July 10, 2007 taking off from Daytona. It was investigated by the feds and they came to the conclusion that Nascar knew about a problem that the plane was having before it took off that fateful day. The most disturbing thing is that they didn't repair an electrical problem(broken radar system) that was reported by a pilot the day before. That being said they knowingly let this plane take off with them knowing there was a problem. Also found is that poor maintenance records were kept and no records were recorded that the problems were fixed.With all the problems swirling around Nascar, I think it's about time somebody stood up within and address some of these problems. Brian France is driving Nascar into the ground. And for something like this to happen and for them to try and brush it off like every other problem, is a big mistake. I hope they enjoy emptying their pockets again, seems they have been doing this alot lately, to the families of the people that lost their lives in this crash. With this happening this basically does it for me and Nascar. I'm sick of their arrogance and them thinking that nothing can touch them. They might as well face it, their reign is over. And its becoming a sad ending to what a mighty sport it once was. What happened to the days when it was all fun.
Jerry Sims
@jerry-sims   15 years ago
I've seem to remember hearing somewhere, "Shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations," and it looks like a pretty accurate observation here if justice is served. I've got a picture somewhere of Big Bill up to his %^&^ in burnt motor oil treating the dirt at one of his early races. Very hands on attitude that is totally alien to "Baby Brian". I'm no real fan of William H. G. France Sr but he wasn't afraid to get down and dirty with the task at hand.
Thomas K. Craig
@thomas-k-craig   15 years ago
Very True Jerry. I wish someone would dump burnt motor oil on Brian and all the suits he wears. There is no way I could ever see Baby Brian ever get his hands dirty.
Ken Sharpe
@ken-sharpe   15 years ago
Guys; this is typical Nascar nowadays! Money, greed at all cost, is the bottom line to all the mess that is happening there now!Pastor Ken
Thomas K. Craig
@thomas-k-craig   15 years ago
You are so correct, Ken.
Mike Sykes
@mike-sykes   15 years ago
Well the ones I feel sorry for are no longer with us. I hope the families of the victims can cope with this tragic event no matter who is at fault. They will have a fall guy to take the blame and take care of his family if and when he is put in prison. The pilots wife and children and Lisa nor the mother and infant and the man next door and all of their families will never get over what was taken oway from them in this avoidable accident. Remember these in prayer. It wasnt just Nascar that was hurt.
Mike Shaub
@mike-shaub   15 years ago
They should change their name to NASCRAP. It's unbelieveable what they do or don't do. I just watch the Daytona 500, because I've always done it. the rest of the season if i catch it on TV ok if not Oh Well!!