Tim Leeming

Race Fans enjoying infield pleasures

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This is exactly what i was talking about in this week's Legendtorial. What a group we had. I want to thank my very good friend, Kenneth Smithey, for posting this for me. That is me all the way in the back, on the right, in the sunglasses.
TMC Chase
@tmc-chase   12 years ago
A couple of weeks ago on NASCAR Live weekly radio show, Eli Gold told the story of a time at Texas World Speedway way back when. Said rains moved in early one morning, and the day's events were called before they even began. Everyone went back to the hotel knowing they'd have to wait it out.The hotel manager knowing he had a captive audience opened the lounge early in the morning. Marty Robbins was in College Station for the race and told the folks "Stay right here, I'll be right back." Marty went to his room, got his guitar, returned to the lounge, and performed an impromptu 2-3 hour solo concert for all in the lounge. Now how cool would that have been?
Dave Fulton
@dave-fulton   12 years ago
Great photo, Tim. So glad Kenneth was able to assist. Your photo is a perfect illustration of the closeness race fans shared, regardless who they pulled for.
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