Bobby Williamson
Wednesday August 20 2008, 1:04 PM
the life that you devoted to stock car racing, in general, and NASCAR, in particular, did not gain your membership among 1998's list of the "50 Greatest Drivers of NASCAR". Although you, Edwin "Banjo" Matthews, started on the beach, with Big Bill, and was his close technical advisor, with regard to rules, and rule changes, and WAS A DRIVER TOO, it went unnoticed.In the early '70's, when David Pearson was establishing a virtual impossible winning percentage, he was driving a car built in your shops. As were many others. Countless stock car racing innovations came down from the mountains of Asheville, NC's "Banjo's Performance Center" where "Speed cost's fast do you want to go", that was the logo, and business was conducted in barber chairs, right at the parts counter.Stock car racing was your life, 24-7 and the records and accomplishments are so obvious, the blind, if they can't see them, can feel them. Guess the esteemed NASCAR panel, those that compiled the "50 Greaest" list, didn't have possess the same sensory perceptors that most regular folks have. Sad.
Paul Zappardino
@paul-zappardino   17 years ago
Another example of NASCAR forgetting it'sroots and the present day NASCAR fans have no regard for the roots of the sport, I know Robbie will tell you that I sound like a broken record buit it is the truth
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   17 years ago
I agree completely with everthing stated here. I keep hoping, though, that we can give current day fans a place to learn about the least the ones that are interested.