Tiny Lund-Hard Charger
Friday July 3 2009, 4:00 PM

Howdy Folks!
Happy July 4th weekend to everyone.
I sure hope I'm in right place to post this. Seeing as how one of the all time great racing movies is Tiny Lund-Hard Charger and because he was my favorite driver when I was a youngster, I would like to ask if you could help me get this movie released on DVD. It is very easy and only takes a click of a button.
Please go here:

Once there, look halfway down on the right side of the page and click on the vote button to have the movie released. I believe it needs to be out there for people to see. It is a part of racing history.
Thank you for your time and if I'm in wrong place to post this all points bulletin, let me know.

Robert Miller
@robert-miller   16 years ago
My dad was on Tinys pit crew,when he was driving for Lyle Stelter if I remember correctly there shop was just off Rosewood blvd,in Columbia,SC,I remember going there when I was very young and playing in the race cars,I would love to see this moviethanks
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   16 years ago
I sent the request to all members. Here is an active link. http://www.tcm.com/tcmdb/title.jsp?stid=576825&atid=18795&category=overview
@devin   16 years ago
Thank you Jeff, and everyone.
Roland Via
@roland-via   16 years ago
To All Interested in 'Hard Charger' Movie:The movie website listed has absolutely NO ability to deliver the movie with "a vote".I am the author of www.TinyLund.com and have been in a twelve year search for the film. The only known copy is reel-to-reel, not in good celluloid condition, and virtually unavailable. I have been in contact with the Lund family which has the rights to the film and sadly there are no plans to release this obscure film.Sorry to dash everyone's hopes, but rest assured that I will continue to pursue this film to bring it to DVD as it contains an important part of racing history.Roland Via www.TinyLund.com
@devin   16 years ago
My hopes are not dashed. Thank you for the info. I would think a movie company would be able to help in that regard, especially enough people are interested in having it re-released.
ray lamm
@ray-lamm   16 years ago
i love to see the movie come out on dvd.i saw the movie 8 time when it come out.one best movie i every saw.thanks
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