Another Issue Done!
Editor Guy
Wednesday January 28 2009, 3:32 PM
Well, here I sit . . . it's almost 12:30 PST, I'm eating a bagel lunch (!) at the desk, and my deadline for the May issue of DRAG RACER Magazine was yesterday, and yes, I made it. I decided to do a Funny Car Evolution story and Part 1 is the last piece I turned in at 3:30 yesterday afternoon. Phew, just slid in under the wire!The more I thought about it, the more that story took on a life of its own. It includes quotes from Roland Leong, Dale Pulde, Jay Howell, Bruce Larson, and Snake.Now all I have to do is proof read the entire book, do my cover blurbs, wait a week for it to go through pre-press, proof it again, and . . . SEND IT!Then I have to re-invent myself again and figure out what'll go into FC Evolution Part 2, and continue building the rest of that book. Hey, I'm not complaining. I'm fortunate to be able to do something that inspires me every day. I hope to see 'ya at the drags!
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   16 years ago
I can see the passion in your words! How do I subscribe?Jeff
Editor Guy
@editor-guy   16 years ago
Thanks, Jeff . . . we have a half-ass website (www,, with nobody currently on staff to update it. Last I heard, the online subscription link works fine, though. Once the dust settles from finishing the May issue, I'm gonna look into trying to figure out the content management system. Thanks again, Jeff. Keep up the good work here.Randy
Bill Pratt
@bill-pratt   16 years ago
Congrats on a fantastic mag, Randy. You are keeping the dream alive. I remember the days when I could not wait until the next issue of SS&DI or Drag Racing USA hit the stands (not to mention Drag Racing, etc. in later years). You are letting the modern guys know what that was like. All the best and of course, I'm at your service if there is any legacy info you need that I might have. bp