Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
12/18/11 08:46:36AM
1,784 posts

Men, forced to reside in the cave or face the wrath of a wife's scorn


Not much to the "allow my dog to come along" thought, Robbie. At times I think it was the dog to which she was attracted and she allowed me to come with him. Actually her best friend once said, "It's the dog, dude!".

Jeff Gilder
12/17/11 09:38:26PM
1,784 posts

Men, forced to reside in the cave or face the wrath of a wife's scorn


Interesting subject, men. When I and my other decided to cohabitate, I relinquished my modest bachelor's pad in favor or her more suitable and considerably more upscale accommodations. I was given an office in which my trophies and racing memories were proudly displayed and an adjoining "wall of fame". I was comfortable there. That lasted for nearly 4 years. Now there's not a trace of me in those places except in an occasional picture...with her, or course. Back are the paintings, other frilly things, and her vision board. I am included on the board, least for now.. My stuff is now either in my office at work or in the garage. At times I go to the garage and sit with my stuff...and the cat.

Jeff Gilder
12/19/11 07:38:55AM
1,784 posts




After loading the photos in the edit screen, there is a "tags" space, just put in whatever you know about the photo. Same with the caption. If you have already uploaded it, you can edit the photo by clicking on the "options" button then edit and changing the captions or adding to the tags, or description.

Jeff Gilder
12/18/11 09:00:40AM
1,784 posts



And google will find it here. Facebook is not indexed the same way. Too many people waste too much great historical info on facebook...where it will only be seen by a few and never found in a search.

Jeff Gilder
12/18/11 08:58:33AM
1,784 posts



If all you know is what you see in the picture...put that in the tags...or title...such as the number of the car. Many times I search by car number if that is all I know. If it is a 55 Chevy number 01...put than in the tags and ask others to fill in the blanks. If you know the track...add that as well. There are thousands of photos here without any info on them.

Jeff Gilder
12/18/11 09:08:48AM
1,784 posts

What Make & Model Automobile would you have liked to have seen more in Cup Racing?


Just noticing the ride height of the #87 Olds pictured here....hmmm. A good sized dog could run under that thing.

Jeff Gilder
12/17/11 07:42:44AM
1,784 posts

seeking picture(s)


Sadly, there are thousands that are not tagged. Just because they do not show up in a search does not mean they are not there.

Jeff Gilder
12/17/11 07:39:59AM
1,784 posts

seeking picture(s)


Ray has thousands that are not posted here.
