We had Ms Guthrie as a guest on Racing Through History not too long ago.
I've seen and heard of him hanging around some of the short tracks and other regional races. His son Teddy was doing some racing ...not sure what their status is now. I haven't heard of Ted doing any racing, though.
He does bring with him a champion's provisional...guaranteed exposure (of some degree) for whomever he represents.
Best of luck to you and all the folks at AIRPS, Harvey! You folks are awesome!
Actually. The Legend of Cale Yarborough is all Jay. He wrote and produced that tune a long time ago (at least 20 years I think). We posted the song here on RR about three years ago and it came back to life. That song was the inspiration for Jay, Perry, and myself to make our CD...and that song was included on the CD...and got the attention of the NASCAR Media folks.
Just another example of the value of this little family...to who knows what.
Thanks for posting your side of things. As I have said here before..(.I think the last time may have been about some Kyle stuff.)..this is why NASCAR has been so successful. Fans will stick by their driver through the tough times. For Kurt's sake, I hope he has a lot more like you, because he lost any that may have been on the fence.
I've heard a few Kurt fans blaming the guy who shot the video for all this and have heard some show some sympathy due to his recent personal problems. But that has been about all.
I tried to get a discussion about this on the show the other night to get those who are on his side to speak out. None did. More should....all sides need to be heard in the way you explained your position as a fan.
The good thing about this sport is there have always been those who polarize the fan base. Both Busch boys do that. My personal experience...I've met both...and both were very gracious and enjoyable to talk to. Not sayin I'll never be a fan of them...but as of today I'm not. I detest the continued disrespect that has come form both of them. And yes, I AM one of those who thinks their parent are responsible for that. Having said that...as a fan, I've always made my choice by the way the driver races not necessarily by their personality. I've never considered Kurt because of the disrespect he shows his crew(s). I admit at times, I have leaned toward Kyle, but things like busting up Sams guitar...and dumping Hornaday, have shut the door every time.
I like the way you wrote this Jay. A very important perspective! I personally have been wanting to hear the side of the devoted Kurt fan. Not many are willing to speak out for fear of being piled on.
I'm very grateful to and proud of all the contributors to our sites and radio programs. All you wonderful folks have created something that I think will be a very important part of racing history for years to come. We share an unbiased look into history with our readers and listeners form many different angles and perspectives...from car owners, drivers, crew, family, photographers, PR, media, journalism, and fans. And thanks to our contributors, we have accumulated tens of thousands of pictures, videos, and blogs. We're coming upon our 4 year anniversary (as RacersReunion.com) this January and the growth here has been awesome to watch.
We learned in the first year... that with an infusion of advertising dollars we could grow RR into a large racing site very quickly. We also learned that much of the traffic that came from those ad dollars were not folks we had hoped to target. So, we discontinued advertising after 3 months. Those who were here in the beginning will remember how different the site became. We then realized it would be the members who would dictate what the site became.
I'm glad we sacrificed rapid growth for for this kind of quality content. Now, the folks who find us are looking for all the stuff we represent. This IS certainly the vision that Paul Lewis and I shared. We have in his words "Taken Racers Reunion to the other side of the mountain" from its early beginnings (started by Mr. Paul Lewis) in Johnson City, TN over 20 years ago.
Paul's vision was and is to ensure folks remember all the contributors, not just those who made the most headlines. Just think about all the drivers and racetrack history we have brought to the surface here in only 4 years.
Thanks to all of you!!