Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
09/04/14 05:03:42PM
1,783 posts

No Legendtorials to Be Written on Monday Nights


He's an early outer! First round LOOOOOOOOOOOOSER!! Don't think Mikey is coordinated enough to pull it off.

Jeff Gilder
07/28/14 05:10:42PM
1,783 posts

"Thumbs up" to NASCAR from The Legend


Tim, Does the brace work only in the thumbs up position...? Just curious

Jeff Gilder
07/14/14 07:30:18PM
1,783 posts

Confessions of the Legend


Having spent a couple of days riding in the Ford with you, I know this list of confessions does not scratch the not even the tiniest tip of the iceberg, and any other words to, this ain't even the beginning of The Legends list of confessions.

Jeff Gilder
06/16/14 04:47:31PM
1,783 posts

Longtime NASCAR personality Ray Fox dies at 98

Stock Car Racing History

So sorry to hear this. Ray was a great man!
