I appreciate Tim Leeming's willingness to step in
LOl... your guys are awesome!
Had to notice just how tall Cale's hat was compared to the others...lol.
All you guys are awesome. I greatly appreciate having this info at my fingertips when I have the time to read. Many thanks!
Wow, there are some great videos on that channel. Found this one of Occoneechee.
Check out Patrick Reynolds update about the awards picked up at the recent AAWRBA.
There are most likely photos here with the decal...but will be tagged by driver, car number, or something like that. Member, Robbie Solesbee may be able to help as he is a modeler. You may also want to leave a request on the Modelers group here at http://stockcar.racersreunion.com/group/racingvendors . The members there will get an email message of your request.
Best of luck,