Honk If You Survived the Mayan Apocalypse
Well, kind of looks like the Mayan Apocalypse didn't get off the ground. Yup, 6:11 AM, the magical Mayan time came and went. No earthquakes, no reversal of the earth's magnetic fields, the caldera that is yellow stone park did not erupt........ Not nary a thing happened!! It was the sound of apocalyptical silence. So, what in the world happened, or, actually, did not happen? The Mayan 'long calendar' as our modern 'experts' named it, just stopped in 2012....for whatever reason. The Mayans did not actually say......."hey y'all the world's gonna end" ........they just stopped working on their calendar. Our modern-day experts led my the "History Channel" went into overdrive, and concluded it HAD TO MEAN THE WORLD WAS KA-BLOOEY!! The History Channel even a day-long extravaganza "2012 the END IS NOW" on December 20 (the last actual day, according to those who calculate such mess, of our existence). Jesus Christ, is crystal clear on the topic and states that only the Father knows the hour, and when that hour reallycomes,every eye will see........not the Mayans or the Egyptians, or the alignment of the pyramids, or the quatraines of Nostradamus can ever predict such an event. Just another ploy to gain attention in the all-important Nielsen ratings......and we thought NASCAR had some nutty ideas......Welcome to the future.
updated by @bobby-williamson: 12/05/16 04:10:12PM