Pandora's Box
Current NASCAR
Although its issues at Daytona were over-shadowed by 90 some cars, one jet-dryer crashing and, Danica-mania, EFI was lying like a coiled snake under NASCAR's table of serenity. Railroaded into this morass by the 'it's more relevant to the fans in the stands........' prophets, NASCAR will (and already has) its hands full policing this black box....a point that was repeatedly ignored during EFI's incubation period.
Now, we are beginning to hear defensive phrases like: "the McLaren engineers are smart, but they've never done a NASCAR stocker before......(duh).......with their excessive bumping and grinding and the temperatures at which the system is subjected....(duh)....or.......the test we performed last year, could not simulatethe weather,as there is as there is no weather in the laboratory....(duh)..........we think we can have problems like Tony Stewart's Phoenix issue solved by April, or May.......... however, EFI-issues may cost someone a pay-off berth, or determine the championship.............(duh).
The engines were still warm when every team at Las Veags,except Ryan Newman, began demanding to view Tony Stewart's 'mapping profile'. Can you say 'preview of coming attractions?' If traction control was the evil empire, just wait 'til the nerds reallyinvestigate the possibilities of NASCAR-EFI; the latest example of the tail-wagging-the dog.
updated by @bobby-williamson: 03/10/17 09:22:37AM