Yes, our thoughts are with them both. Thank you.
Many good points raised here ladies and gentlemen. I deeply regret that I missed the Logano Coke fiasco because I would have loved to have seen that New England drop out talk his way out of that one but I am assuming he acted as if nothing happened.
We all continue to raise the issue, and there are now more than 7,500 of us, about where racing has gone but no one listens but us. We listen to each other but NASCAR does not listen to us because they are still under the impression that they are a resounding success. I had my NASCAR e-mail within an hour of the end of the race touting all the JJ #48 merchandise I could but for "only $99.00" which consisterd of a die cast, a cap and a t-shirt. It didn't mention free shipping but it didn't matter anyway, I'm not ordering.
Brian has promised many changes for next year which, he says, will be announced in December. He claims the changes are "for the fans". Collectively we can all hold our breath until we see what these changes are. I would venture to say not a one of us will be impressed.
If we had seen a "legitimate" season-long representation of the "champonship", Harvick would have won going it should have been. The "Chase" is a joke.