Bumpertag said: Many great points here. I don't think McGrew deserves the blame here and I don't think the quality of the equipment is an issue. In my opinion Jr has the desire. I look at his disappointment each week and see a man who is agonizing over his poor performance. It hasn't been that many years ago Jr was a treat on many tracks, now he's just a "Field Filler". What happened? First the loss of Dale Sr. The COT, different fill and balance. Tighter competition. The revolving door for his crew chiefs. His inability to grow up for a few years. Too busy focusing on outside bussiness. His refusal to adapt to the new set ups. And lastly, he's a little short on talent. I've told people that if he doesn't take advantage of this oppertunity with Hendrinks and make something of himself, I see doom and gloom in his future. With all the presure on him I'm afraid he will turn to drugs or suicide to escape the presure.
I think he needs to step out of the car and be a owner, maybe race a handful of races a year to please the fans and slowly reduce the number of his races till he won't be missed. He is a stronge voice in NASCAR and can be more effective outside the car. I think he will be happier and the pressure would be much less.
Bumper, can I have some of the meds that you are taking ....LOL