Cayce speedway
Jeffery Coward
Saturday February 20 2010, 9:55 PM

Yes The Cayce Speedway,Here we go again!!!Just a word out to the people who were there to work for nothing to help it all happen,Bobby,Wayne,Brother Leon,Devin,Chris,These are the people who aer out there doing the grunt work to help make this happen,Mr Wise from Love Chevrolet Feeds us God Bless him,But I know there is more willing and able bodies in Cayce to help!!So get off your 360 and come spend a day with us at the historic Columbia Speedway and Help Get this baby rolling!!

Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   15 years ago
Jeffery, where, exactly, is the speedway located?????
Leon Phillips
@leon-phillips   15 years ago
Hay Jeffery i will try to find out who this Tim guy is and tell him where the track is if he hang`s with us he might become a Legend