Perry Wilkerson
Jerry Hower
Saturday December 20 2008, 9:00 PM
Perry Wilkerson passed away today at the age of 91. He worked the pits for my daddy at the old Dinwiddie Speedway in 1964 & 1965. Please remember his family in your prayers. Thank you.
Ken Sharpe
@ken-sharpe   17 years ago
We will be praying for the family of Perry. It is so true that at this time of the year, someone passing is so much more hurting. We must remember though that when our Father calls us home, that there is no more suffering or hurting for the one being called home. If they are a Christian, they are walking in Heaven now, with the Father for enternity. Glory be to God.Perry's family, please feel free to contact me if you need to at this time. I can be reached on my cell at 1-336-456-6046, if by chance you get to read this. If they do not read this and you want to share my number with them please feel free to do so, Jerry.Pastor Ken SharpeRacers Reunion ChaplainLevel Cross, NCPasto
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   17 years ago
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this very tough time.Jeff
Rob Amos2
@rob-amos2   17 years ago
Our prayers are with you. May we all be together again in Racers Heaven.Rob AmosGeoff Bodines Waxing Frenzy
Mike Sykes
@mike-sykes   17 years ago
our thoughts and prayers are with the family.