How to start a vintage racing club?
Jim Wilmore
Wednesday December 24 2008, 10:00 PM
I'm trying to start a new vintage racing club in Central and Eastern N. Carolina. The club is going to be strictly vintage stock cars and we plan to run exhibition races only, no points, no trophies, only pure entertainment for the fans at local tracks. My question is: What are some of the obstacles faced with starting a club and would you give a solution to any problems I might face?Keep in mind, we will are not a competitive racing club. Thanks
Bobby Williamson
@bobby-williamson   17 years ago
Jim, as you've mentioned, insurance would have to be high on the list. We live in such a legalistic-law-suit-happy society, liability has to be a major concern.
Rob Amos2
@rob-amos2   17 years ago
I agree . Insurance is a must. I would talk to a local track and see if they have any interest in your idea. Many tracks are looking for something differrent to put people in the seats.And maybe you can Piggyback on their insurance. If nothing else see who is their provider as it is a special type that most insurance agents do not cover.Good LuckRob Amos
Mike Sykes
@mike-sykes   17 years ago
Jim you need to contact Billy Biscoe aka rustyracer. He has been there done that. He can steer you in the right direction without to many bumps and bruises. Goooood luck.
Jim Wilmore
@jim-wilmore   17 years ago
Mike, I did contact him and he was very helpful and really drilled home the insurance issue. I've been given some other advice from George Pavlisko (CAARA) had made an attempt to start a club in SC. I tell ya, if this starts becoming more of a headache than fun I might just team up with Carolina Antique Auto Racing Association (CAARA) and hopefully bring my friends along. GeorgeP has the same vision and direction as we do however, I'm not giving up, heck I've just started but need options and that is one. But, the bottom-line is... that we are going to run somewhere and I know I could sell the idea to the tracks because they want put butts in the stands and we can offer that and, like George said, piggy back with their insurance. Heck, we ain't racing all out but I know there is always the fear of some idiot getting his foot run over and suing. I don't want to mislead anyone, this is in the infant stages, there is NO club yet, only an idea and a plan.