John Robertson

Tucci/Lyndwood Welding

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Tucci engine, Bilbow chassis.
Bruce Wheeler
@bruce-wheeler   16 years ago
Joe Tucci was a former Marine who mustered out of the service at Quantico, Va. (where he continued to live after his discharge). He was tremendously successful with his blown Chrysler A/Dragster until a crash put him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. One of his major accomplishments was setting the NHRA A/D speed record of 168.85, in July of 1960. Joe was truly a "good guy."
Lorie Bilbow Bohnert
@lorie-bilbow-bohnert   13 years ago
Thanks for posting!!! Awesome shot of my Dad and Uncle Marty!
George Nye
@george-nye   13 years ago
This really shows how it was back then. Thanks.
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