Calling all of my model building/die-cast collecting friends! With a lot of assistance from my friends here at racersreunion I have finally gotten my online store off the ground.I want to offer an inside source for members of the reunion, let me know what you might be looking for so I can pull it before it's listed.I would love some good feedback! If you were me...Are the prices to high/low. Would you change any wording? Please take a little time and critique the store.If you set us up as an Ebay "favorite store", email me and let me make the connection that you are also a member here, then if you see something you want, or a mistake, and contact me, I'll know I'm talking to a friend!here is the link posted a few pictures of some random items we have listed. (there are 144 items in the store now.)This is not even a drop in the bucket. We are entering as fast as we can so keep looking and editing!FYI check out the paints-Tru-Match, Team Liscenced Racing Colors, Tamiya, Testors and lots of vintage decals.LET ME KNOW IF THERE IS SOMETHING YOU ARE LOOKING FOR, I'LL ASK THE BOYS TO DIG THROUGH THE STOCK, THERE IS A HOUSE FULL!THANKSKP
I LOVE IT! Great shot!These junk yard shots are my favorite thing yet! I'm taking some of my shots and printing them on Waterslide decal paper, gonna try a few coffee mugs and such!I really like the trailer!
We havn't went all the way through. The boys say they havn't seen any but will keep their eyes pealed. They don't believe me that your pic is scale! My mom and her better half are garden railroaders! They go to conventions around the world. We are impressed with your pics! I could get into this!Did you answer the "Where are you?" question. I would love to see some of your stuff.KP
These are fantastic. Yes I would love a disk!My husband is an architect. We were in college together and I have watched him make some amazing scale models of buildings, and sites. Taking that and mixing the cars is just FUN! I'll send you a few pics of his models, and some of my artwork if your interested.My address is 26 Rose Briar Circle, Weaverville NC 28787
Cool, I'll try to get one out this week to you.
I havn't gotten to show your pics to my doubter, I can't wait to see his face, My husband was impressed (Did you make the chain link? that was what he thought really made them hard to decipher)
I've seen screen wire used for chain link and it just looks like screen wire turned to make a more diamond pattern. One day, and after working on my own cars for most of my life I can't believe it took this long to notice, I was looking at the metal mesh on an air cleaner element and there it was, diamond shaped holes and all. The Wix filters seem to have a little different mesh that looks more three dimentional like the fence while most of the others are completely flat and look more like the expanded metal that is used in chain guards on machinery. It may take me a little while to get the disc out because I've been more involved in the Carolina Legends show than I thought I was gonna be. I'm playing four shows in two different bands on today and Saturday so I guess that makes me a double legend, LOL.
I hadn't connected you with the music. COOL! I'm fascinated with the ties in NASCAR and music history. The stories seem to go hand in hand.I was on my way back from a UT Lady Vols Basketball game and stopped for gas just outside Knoxville. (( you should know--I'm a talker, anyone, anytime, my kids aren't even embarrassed anymore.) Some how the conversation led to "Rocky Top" and how earlier that morning I discovered the origins of the song. He led into a fantastic story about how he grew up with these boys, and they used to hang out in his buddy's barn and work on cars. He proceeded to list the Music and Nascar legend that he knew and tell me stories. I suppose he could have been full of it, but wow! I prefer to believe.
You never can tell. I've got a really good friend that runs an auto repair shop down here in the flatlands whose dad and uncle (who I've picked some pretty serious bluegrass with starting back around '67) were from up around Lenoir NC that used to pick on the radio and haul some white around in the scenic Blue Ridge area late at night, sight seeing ya'know, before his dad got paralyzed in a freak pulp wooding accident before they moved down here. There were four or five boys between the two dads and they all raced here with us at our local track. Oh, by the way, did I mention their family name was Green? A line in another Osborne Brothers song (Most Wanted Fastest Grass Alive) went "go up on that mountain and place those Green boys under arrest" tells me that those Green Boys really got around. LOL
You guys eve play up here? I'd love to see a gig.
We play pretty close to home but I've got some amatuer video my son for us at the last two places we played. It's not professional but, then again, neither are we, LOL. One is at a local church's fund raiser with only the bluegrass gospel band and the other is from the Carolina Legends show this past weekend with some of the same band and some from the old time country band I also play in. I've also got a show with the straight blue grass band I hadabout ten years ago that I've got a video of with some original songs on it too. If I can get it done and you can sit through that much caterwauling I'll see about doing you a "double feature".
Hey Karen ! Have tried to find your site / store online but ......... what is the link again? Builds old nascar kits myself and always looking for a bargain too ! Thanks, James
If you search scalestockcar you will get a bunch of our ebay listings, choose one and you are there. Sorry for the confusion.KP