In The Living Years
Larry Olson
Thursday October 1 2015, 10:34 AM

What's really important? Some perceived slight issued by a fan in the heat of the moment? You can take Tony's Stewart's situation with the young driver from New York and that family's loss. I have my own take but I shall leave it at that but in my mind the future holds the same destiny for us all. And those things we could have said, we don't. We just assume a kind of mortality riveted on the side of a car, etched upon a picture or the feelings associated with some event. Taciturn feelings sublimate into a reverent regard for someone's passing.

Those short years, the seemingly needless losses that we all endure are as bittersweet as tragedy and the play between smiles and sadness. Most of us try to see the best in everyone, our favorite tracks included. These events, people and places like the Twin Towers of NYC, remind us that events cannot take away from the memories.

The place where we congregate in the pews we call stands are places we experience familial accord. Those incidents are part of a greater schism, that melds into togetherness. In my profile lies a tribute to a teenager who passed away far too early and at that point we lay down the gloves of strife and come together.

Richie Evans though gone for about three decades, never-the-less lives in our hearts and nothing can divorce us from our memories except time and neglect.

So while we can, we reach out and let the little things take their rightful seat in the hands of time and pay homage to life and love of the things we cherish.