Harlow Reynolds, The Lynchburg Flash
Mike Kuver
Wednesday December 29 2010, 9:30 AM

I don't know how many folks know or have heard of Harlow but thanks to his buddy Joe I've written a couple of stories about Harlow, Joe, and some of the things they've done racing and their road trips.



Besides giving our fellow race fans a good chuckle, I'm also trying to educate them a little about some of the history and colorful characters that helped to make the sport. If anyone has any humorous stories they'd be willing to share about racing or road trips to get to races, whether it's as a fan, crewmember, or driver, drop me a line. I'd really appreciate it.

Mike Kuver

Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   14 years ago
Thanks for these Mike. Harlow is someone who makes life a wonderful experience just by knowing him. I am very proud to call him my friend and he is truly a pleasure to be around any time. Keep the stories coming as all these memories stirred up are good for me. Seems I have a way of blocking out the bad things. Happy New Year to you!Tim
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   14 years ago
Its about time someone spilled the beans on our buddy, Harlow.
Mike Kuver
@mike-kuver   14 years ago
Happy New Year to you too Tim and everyone else on Racers Reunion. I've known Harlow for a couple of years and am always learning something new about him. Thanks to Joe, I think we're all learning a little bit more about what a character Harlow truly is. And that's not a bad thing either.It's folks like Harlow that add some fun and humor to the history of racing.
Harlow Reynolds
@harlow-reynolds   13 years ago
I'll take the fifth on this or the pint or what ever I can get.GoodnightHarlow ReynoldsLynchburg,Va.