2008 season
Well the 2008 season race is in the book's. Brendan finished 3rd in points and Cole finised 4th in his class,Both boy's are moving up in classes for the 2009 season, Cole will be going to Brendan's Kart to race Rookie one class with the Yamaha 100cc. Brendan is moving up to Rotax. He will be running the Rotax Micro class,This is a 125cc Water cooled engine. Both boy's are very excited, and will start practicing this next week.We will be trading in Cole's kid kart and putting him in Brendan's Rookie one kart, and Have to buy Brendan a new Kart. So this would be a great time to become a season sponsor to help with the new kart, this is a travelingclass and we can run all over the US, So your name can be seen by 1000's of people. just respond to this Blogwith contact info: