susan m jagow

ransomville speedway 1962 back ad on program

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mmmmmmmm~there is nothing better than the race tracks frenc fries!i can just smell the fuel and hear the cars raorin by -while the smell of hotdogs nd fries swirl the air! yum!
susan m jagow
@susan-m-jagow   15 years ago
This was about my age too - in 1962! well maybe a lil younger. it is the so familiar ad on backs of the older racing programs at ranomville spedway 1962 - back then thats why me and the kids loved going for-the granstand fries with vinegar aroma in the air and messy ketchup bottles every where while the rumble of race cars spun by us- oh yeah and the cotton candy too!Hm~~what race CARS?..?)
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