The day the music died February 3,1959
Tom Smith2
Monday February 2 2009, 10:36 PM
Just letting those of us who are old enough to remember, or just LOVE 50's music. Tomorrow Feb. 3, 2009 is the 50th anniversary of the death of 3 of the greatest music legends of all time. All 3 in their own way changed the way a lot of us looked at music. May their music live on forever!! Rave On!!Buddy HollyJ.P. Richardson-aka "The Big Bopper"Richie ValensRespectfully submitted, Tom Smith
Don Teague
@donald-teague   16 years ago
Yes, remember it well since Buddy Holly was one of my favorites. With Peggy Sue and Every Day etc..
Wayne D. Stevens Sr
@wayne-d-stevens-sr   16 years ago
I've been to the concert hall in Clear lake, Iowa where they last performed and also to the crash sight. A very somber experience. I knew Buddy and had met J.R. and as for the teenager Richie Valence, he had only a great career ahead of him. If you've never seen the film stories of either of them you need to as they really bring back some great music memories. I was in a group that performed localy in New England as a teen and I will tell you that was a great time for music and also rodding and drag racing. That's the reason I created UNRO a nostalgia drag racing and rodding organization. Our website will be up and running soon. In the meantime I can be contracted at; UNRO1@aol.comWayne