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oh no
william ellis williams
Tuesday February 11 2014, 4:16 PM

me,neil and his wife went down to Spook Crawfords garage the week of the rebel 300 1960. Spook had a 60 and a 58 ford getting ready. it was after dark and one of spooks cars had some body work done on the rear and had repainted the car. he had an o;der black guy that did his lettering. well, he began lettering the car which was prked kind in the back end of the garage. the old guy would not allow any one around him while he did his work. it had been a while and spook figgured he had had time to at least finish one side and should be pretty near finished with the other so he decided to go have a look. spook let out a tell you could hear down town in Fayeteville.followed by some very unspeakable language. the guy had done all the lettering in all had to be sanded off and redone. willie

Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   11 years ago
Awesome story. I'm getting used to these William. Keep it up.