the hands are quicker than the eyes
william ellis williams
Tuesday February 11 2014, 10:47 PM

we were going through inspection with the olds the heads passed but when I presented the carburater, the inspector failed it saying the venturies were too big. I took the carb back to the race car and layed it in the trunk. there were two girls that we knew that had a new chevrolet convertable in the infield. I took some tools and removed their carburater and took it to the inspector and he passed it so I went back to the race car, layed the chevrolet carburater down beside the olds picked our carburater up and put it on the car.. called the official over and he sealed the engine. I may have been born at night but I wasn't born in the dark. ha


Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   11 years ago
Good one William. lol. Did you take lessons from Smokey Yunick? I know Chad wasn't around back then. Thanks for the humorous addition to the Blogs.