I like the new Home Page and I like the new format on Stock Car RR too because it does give us a two column, clean and neat appearance. For someone looking at it the first time it is very professional appearing and that is certainly what we want.
As for looking at the pictures, everyday I check out the new additions. I literally spend hours per week going through all the historic pictures, just picking a page number to start and keep on clicking through. Seems I never tire of seeing those cars and drivers from the beautiful days of racing.
Blogs? I used to write everything as a blog but then discovered many people didn't read the blogs because they had to sign in to access them while on the Forum they could just click up the page and could read all the Forum posts and responses. I have no problem going back to blogs. Whichever works, but I have been remiss about writing lately due to other committments.
I am, as much as anyone, guilty of negative posts and negative remarks on several issues but overall I am NOT a negative person. In fact, most everyone who knows me thinks I have that "Pollyanna Positive Attitude" about everything. Looking deep within, I see that my negativitiy is not a good thing for me and most certainly not for Racers Reunion. I shall immediately set about correcting that.
Within this group of people who make up the "core" of Racers Reunion, are some of the finest people I've ever encountered. I will not attempt to name names here but most of you who will take the time to read this know about whom I speak. We, collectively, represent the history of the sport in our efforts to preserve the memories of those heroes we enshrine in OUR Hall of Fame and in the events we promote and attend. We also represent the future of the sport for in order for there to be a last tribute to the pioneers, it is all of us who must educate those new to the sport and the youngsters coming along that the sport did NOT start in 1980 but did indeed have tracks before Daytona and drivers before D.W. that grew the sport to the giant it is.
It is easy to get negative about what has happened within NASCAR the past, say, 8 to 10 years. But, almost every one of us who will truly admit it, knows that NASCAR is OUR sport and those "other guys" had better not have anything bad to say about it. It still ticks me off when Friday evening sports on the local channel will talk about anything else except qualifying for the upcoming race. I get miffed that Friday's sports section of my local newspaper puts "Recruiting News for College Football Players" in big print and runs through a list of kids I've never heard of and probably never will again after I put down the paper.
This year, 2011, started with a super Daytona 500, won by the NEXT generation and a car from the PAST generation. Then Jeff Gordon wins in Phoenix but I haven't figured out which generation he belongs to yet. Crowds are returning, tv ratings are going up, the racing is better so there are postive things to look at there. But, having said that, we must remember that WE, Racers Reunion, are dedicated to preserving the history. While I'm sure there were negative things going on back then, all my memories are good memories of a life lived through racing. It's easy to forget the bad and remember only the good, I am really good at that.
So, be it resolved by The Legend, that only positive thoughts and comments will be eminating from this little corner of the Racers Reunion World. Let's talk about the good memories and talk about making this site the place where anyone, young orold, can come in, sit down, and read good things about the sport.
What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.