Writer Fired For Showing Emotion

N.B. Arnold
14 years ago
121 posts
I have got to hear everyone's opinion on this that I ran across today.Tom Bowles, a former writer for SI. com and operator of www.frontstretch.com was fired for clapping in the press box when Trevor Bayne won Daytona. It is a supposed rule that media do not show favoritism or cheer when covering events. However, it seems that others were doing the same thing also. It is only natural to show our emotions when things happen. I guess now that his higher-ups did not consider this to be politically correct. How ridiculous and assinine is this?I have been in many a press box where the movers and shakers have clapped, cheered and ballyhooed for certain drivers and situations.Tom Bowles defended his actions in another story. I am proud that he did that and showed some respect for a moment in sports history! How far has this sport now gone! Way to go Tom! You have my respect now more than ever!
updated by @nb-arnold: 03/27/17 10:28:18AM
Ernest Sutton
14 years ago
181 posts
That is just wrong and I would boycott the organization that made that decision. There are three particular times in my memory when the commentators exhibited emotionalism when drivers were approaching the finish line...............when Dale Jarrett's dad, Ned, was announcing at the Daytona 500 and Dale was about to win, when Michael Waltrip was about to win the 2001 Daytona 500 and DW was announcing, and when Mikey was about to win the truck race at Daytona a couple of weeks ago and, again, DW was announcing. I don't recall either of them being fired at those times.
Russell Rector
14 years ago
80 posts
It's just another decision,made by the establishment,that shows the thecorporate world has lost its moral compass.
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts
My personal opinion of SI has always been very low. I may have bought a total of four of those magazines over all these years but after that episode they need not worry about me buying another. Trevor Bayne winning that race deserved cheering from every corner of the speedway. All those liberal blankety blanks can go to ................

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Richard Guido
14 years ago
238 posts
That is whySI firedhim .....need to cut back on expenses

Robbie Solesbee said:
If it were not for waiting rooms at doctors and dentist officesI doubt Sports illustated would have anysubscribersat all

Tim Leeming said:
My personal opinion of SI has always been very low. I may have bought a total of four of those magazines over all these years but after that episode they need not worry about me buying another. Trevor Bayne winning that race deserved cheering from every corner of the speedway. All those liberal blankety blanks can go to ................
Cody Dinsmore
14 years ago
589 posts
Man I hate that....I just wonder why DW is still in the booth screaming his head off?
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
Sounds like it was exactly that... a knee jerk reaction. One, I would venture to guess they wish they had thought through. If in fact he had prior issues, (we don't know that)this was definitely not the way to let him go...at anytime...especially not in todays world of trying to win fans back to the sport and SI subscriptions.

Wally Bell said:

I'm certain this wasn't a knee jerk decision...This guy certainly peed in someone's mess kit.

Thus,,he's history.

(certainly isn't causing me to cancel SI)

opinions were asked for...

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

This I know: Of all sports fans, it seems to me that race fans are, by far, the most passionate. In spite of all my efforts to be more fair and balanced (and I don't work for FOX news) I am still passionate, far too much so, with things I perceive as adverse to my sport. Thus, my strong disgust for the Waltrip crowd. I can't help it. That's how I am. Like me or not, that's who I am and you don't get it sugar coated. I was in the bookstores yesterday looking for Robert Edelstein's new book about the Legends and couldn't find it but did come across Mikey's "In the Blink of an Eye"., At $25.95, there was no chance of me buying it anyway but I did just flip through it. This is crude to say, but it is how I perceived what I saw: The book was very conveniently released near the Tenth Anniversary of the Death of Dale Earnhardt, Sr. It doesn't take a genius, obviously, to figure out to what the title refers. I my opinion, just another Waltrip effort to capitalize on the fact that he was driving for DEI when he won the Daytona 500.

Got comments? Unload them. Believe me, I have learned over the past two years to take the good and the bad. I would rather be popular than hated, but I would rather set forth what I believe than sit back and let it go. So, the idiot at SI that fired the writer needs a good whipping. But, as I've already said SI is the replacement for the Sears Catalogue at the little wooden houses up in the mountains of West Virginia.


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts
And, Wally, I am one of your fans and deeply respect you. This is one point on which we do not agree. There is not right or wrong here, within this forum, because it is merely you and I expressing different opinions. When I write, I write with emotion. Yep, gets me in trouble. I've been told I get too personal on the radio shows, too personal handlling press conferences and probably too personal in most of what I do. But that is ME. Always has been, always wil be. But have no fear, Jeff is really good at reeling me in or "muting my mic". lol

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.