Forum Activity for @eric-kincaid

Eric Kincaid
03/23/10 01:51:02AM
13 posts

Open Air at Bristol

Current NASCAR

I read somewhere today that they estimated the attendance at Bristol to be 138,000, I wonder if they were counting people in Johnson City. I would like to know what the T.V. ratings were for the race because the weather was blamed, by the track officials, as a cause for the low attendance. In my opinion the real indicator of of the 'state of the sport' will be the attendance at the August night race. If it does not draw a better attendance then trouble is coming with a capitol T.
Eric Kincaid
03/20/10 10:06:18PM
13 posts

Pray for Larry Pearson


Thanks for the update Angie. I will both families in my prayers. EK
Eric Kincaid
03/14/10 10:00:35PM
13 posts

How would you fix NASCAR?


You guys are on the money with the changes needed in Nascar. I'll give them credit they made a good decision by stating the races at 1:00pm. Nascar has problems with cookie-cutter 1 1/2 mile tracks, cookie-cutter cars that look alike, and 500 mile races that are 400 miles of getting ready to race the last 100 miles. Bring back N.Wilkesboro, Rockingham, drop 1 race from California, and Los Vegas each and drop the crazy chase format, do away with the 35 points rule and let whoever has the fastest 43 cars enter the race. Give the winner of the race bonus points and the driver with the most wins in a season bonus points. And the TV. coverage for the entire field has gotten to improve. Hello, there are more than 5 cars in a race. And suspend Carl Edwards for 5 races. Racing is not being 135 laps down and spinning out the 6th place car with 3 laps to go. If Edwards would have done this to Dale. Jr. He would have been executed. Of course this is just my humble and accurate opinion.
Eric Kincaid
07/31/10 01:55:05PM
13 posts

Pictures of Junior Johnson's race shop.


Thanks Richard for the clarification.
Eric Kincaid
07/31/10 10:26:32AM
13 posts

Pictures of Junior Johnson's race shop.


Thanks Jeffrey for the neat story. I'll be in the area in Oct. and hopefully I'll visit the old shop. A friend of mine visited the shop in the early '90's and said there were cars sitting out in the woods.
Eric Kincaid
05/08/10 12:43:42PM
13 posts

Pictures of Junior Johnson's race shop.


Thanks Pete, Wowa there is a lot of info on that website, great photos to. Thanks alot that is exactly what I was looking for. Now I wonder if the Holman and Moody race shop is still around?
Eric Kincaid
04/28/10 12:26:13PM
13 posts

Pictures of Junior Johnson's race shop.


I was able to watch the video from the ESPN website. Very neat video. The shop looked like most Body Shops of today rather than the elaborate race shops that are common today. Thanks for the link. EK August Matthew Savarese said:
If your talking about that Tim Brewer video, no, I have yet to see it on youtube. Here is a link:,Item,3114221069.html

I have seen on a different site pics of the inside of the shop from I would guess the late 80's judging by the cars. I also have pics of the Wood Brothers original shop, and pics inside Petty Enterprises from the late 70's. I'll see if I can't find them tonight and post them here. Always on the lookout for pics/videos of the places where these famous cars were built. I guess not many people cared about taking photo's/videos back then of those places.

Eric Kincaid said:
Is that video on Youtube by any chance? I couldn't find it though?
Eric Kincaid
04/27/10 02:51:37PM
13 posts

Pictures of Junior Johnson's race shop.


Is that video on Youtube by any chance? I couldn't find it though?
Eric Kincaid
04/27/10 10:57:54AM
13 posts

Pictures of Junior Johnson's race shop.


I grew up in Lenoir which is 32 miles from N. Wilkesboro Speedway. I had heard rumors that sometimes they would actually run the race cars to test a motor out the road by Junior's shop. This rumor was confirmed by Jeff Hammond in an interview that Jeff Gilder did with J. Hammond. Hammond said that they did alot with a whole lot less than most teams. He said they actually shook down the cars on the road out by the shop, I think it is a dead end road. Now wouldn't that get the attention of the neighbors. I all so read a story somewhere a few months ago where Junior explained why he switched to Fords after D.W left. He said that he had sent a carborator to GM and that it didn't come back on time, so he called them and they said they would check on it, he said a few days later it arrived and had been shipped to him from Hendrick Motor Sports, so he figured he couldn't trust GM and switched to Fords because of the carborator ending up at Hendrick. The article says that D.W. was stunned to find out what had actually happended. Pretty neat. Yea, I wish I could find a video or something. I remember in the early 90's that during a race, Neil Bonnett took some ESPN guys into the shop to show where they used to build the cars and what not. A friend of mine visited the shop quite often and he walked all round the woods and stuff and said all kinds of all race cars were sitting around in the woods, mostly wrecked.
Eric Kincaid
04/26/10 04:11:07PM
13 posts

Pictures of Junior Johnson's race shop.


Pete, that is news to me. I didn't know that Junior didn't like Richard Petty. I figured they had the general competitive spirit for one another but not to such an extent as you have stated. I wonder who else may have been given the same place of honor as R. Petty was given in the Junior Johnson & Associates restroom. Pete Banchoff said:
Eric, if you can get to the old Junior Johnson shop, ask if there is still a picture of Richard Petty taped to the urinal at the shop. Junior disliked Richard and did that according to the ESPN book "Did You Know?.
