Forum Activity for @carol-bell

Carol Bell
07/28/12 11:08:23AM
36 posts

Saugus Speedway Now a California Ghost Track

Stock Car Racing History

Yes, Bobby, Saugus was a NASCAR sanctioned track which is why I had to apply for a license with them when I pitched in on my brother's car. I had no problem with them, tho. It was PRA who got skittish about issuing me a license.

And if I'm remembering correctly, there was an "Irwindale" track before the new and improved one was built. They had drag racing for years and I believe there was a small oval that the guys raced on some times as well. I might be wrong about this, but I don't think so. Will check further.

Carol Bell
07/27/12 10:43:20PM
36 posts

Saugus Speedway Now a California Ghost Track

Stock Car Racing History

They filmed a number of things there including parts of TV shows and major motion pictures. And yes, you can see in the aerial shots how "rickety" the stands were.

I sent a message to Jeff after my "debut" on radio, that while the facility was certainly broken in, there was nothing rickety or flimsy about it. It was maintained very well which is why is lasted so long. And the promoters ran the race programs like a fine watch. I do remember the occasional "disagreements" between drivers and the promoters but they were solved pretty quick and the races proceeded. The programs were well structured and the delays, if there were any were very short. When one race was completed, the cars for the next race were already lined up on access road along the outside of turn two and as the race cars exited the track, the next segment cars entered along the backstretch.

Very much like most Saturday night short tracks were run all over the country.

Carol Bell
07/14/12 02:10:35PM
36 posts

Saugus Speedway Now a California Ghost Track

Stock Car Racing History

Also, an interesting thing I always heard about Saugus, is that if you set up a car for Saugus you could run it just about anywhere. But set up a car for Irwindale, Orange Show, Bakersfield, etc., and you'd have to change it for other tracks. Don't really know if that's true, but I always heard that.

Carol Bell
07/14/12 02:07:51PM
36 posts

Saugus Speedway Now a California Ghost Track

Stock Car Racing History

Wow! Brought tears to my eyes. So many Saturday nites, so many good memories. It was truly a unique place and I was struck by the "swap meet" lady saying that they wanted to provide a family friendly environment. I seem to remember that it was always a family friendly environment.

They put together a wonderful book on the early years of Saugus and contacted my brother Steve for pictures and comments. He never thought the project would come to fruition and didn't send anything. If he were still alive I'd whoop him for that, cuz the book is great.

Carol Bell
07/12/12 06:57:25PM
36 posts

Test shows Allmendinger took stimulant

Current NASCAR

No, no. Don't panic dear lady. I was reading this group of posts earlier and it thru me back in time to being raked over the coals by Nextel. (Hee, hee. That was actually fun!)

Carol Bell
07/12/12 01:40:07PM
36 posts

Test shows Allmendinger took stimulant

Current NASCAR

(oh, Lord.....I'm going away now. bad memories, bad memories.................)
