RacersReunion.com is 2 years old today, January 25, 2010!
Happy Birthday Racersreunion.I was the 1000th person to sign up, and won a T shirt.That turned out to be one of the best things that's ever happened in my life.Joining Racersreunion, not the T shirt,although I have made several videos wearing it.Meeting Jeff Gilder changed my life. He is a one of a kind, that has created a one of a kind.It's amazing how he and Dustin, Tim, Robbie, and so many others have kept the site from becoming like the other racing sites, or like any other internet site for that matter.I was impressed from the start that it was so family orientated.Believe it or not,one of the first things I noticed was there was no bad language,and nothing negative or offensive.I'd never seen that before.I have no problem pulling up Racersreunion with one of my Grand daughters sitting on my lap asking me what everything is, and reading out loud everything on the page.Jeff and Racersreunion has been a great inspiration to me.I only see good things for the future, and I'm very proud to be a part of the Racersreunion family.Thanks for everything Jeff.