Chuck Johnson

Duvall & Billy Scott

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Billy & Barbara Scott
@billy-barbara-scott   14 years ago
Thanks Chuck for posting the picture of Mike Duvall and me, sharing our testimony with many race fans, at Veterans Memorial Park in Union, S.C. July 30, 2011. I believe I can speak for Mike in explaining the way we shared how the Lord came into our lives, during our racing careers, and how it changed our views on driving a race car. We both realized racing wasn't the most important part of our lives anymore!! It fell in line after Christ, family, and love toward others. Once we got these in order, our racing careers became better.I agree with Robbie Solesbee how Duvall's testimony will bless your lives, if you have any knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. After your hearing Mike, you defenitely will know that Jesus is alive and well in stockcar racing!!!Thanks again Chuck. God bless and we love you,Billy and Barbara
Chuck Johnson
@chuck-johnson   14 years ago
Running the roads with Mike and hereing his trackside pray meetings saved my soul. Thank God for a friend like Mike Duvall
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