Goat Rodeo...on TV?
-RacersReunion® RADIO
I'm sure all statutes of limitation have expired. Spill yer guts if it makes ya feel better.
I'm sure all statutes of limitation have expired. Spill yer guts if it makes ya feel better.
Our weekly Goat Rodeo (aka Racing Through History radio show) will have some very special guest Tuesday night May 8, 2012 (tomorrow night as of this writing). Harold Brasington III, grandson of the man who built Darlington Raceway (and others) is producing a documentary called "Harold's Folly". As part of that production the television crews will be filming us interviewing Harold (the 3rd).
Do you think they have a clue what they might be in for....?
We are also planning another very special treat for our audience. I will verify this tomorrow, but I am working on an interview with one of our heroes who has not been in the best health lately. That is what's referred to as a tease in the goat rodeo biz.
Our cast of goats er ah...talk show hosts will have a special Darlington themed program for you. And unless the goat eats Cody's homework another episode of The Goat Rodeo Garage...this one penned by our 15 year old racing historian, Cody Dinsmore.
It is a paper magazine. And yes you may send a money order to:
RacersReunion. Inc
1297 Professional Drive
Suite 201
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
C/O SCENE Magazine
Please include your shipping address.
Thanks for reminding me to add that info, Dennis!