NASCAR---- What do you think, is it still interesting???
Stock Car Racing History
Wow, Johnny. What a question or questions. Let me take one a time, please:Does NASCAR still have a special place in your heart?Yes, the NASCAR I remember does. The current NASCAR, not so much.What is it about NASCAR that makes it so interesting to you or are you turning to older racing?My early years were spent at the local track every week and a piece of my heart is still there...with the track and with those who drove there. I can still remember driving over the track into the infield, where we parked, what I ate, where I walked, where I stood, who I cheered for, and I recall the drive away from the track. It was interesting to me then because of who took me, because of the cars and because of the drivers. I was fascinated and enjoyed every minute of it. Being at Columbia Speedway back then is one of my fondest childhood memories.Do you watch because of the speed involved or the courage it takes to keep the pedal to the metal? Do you watch because of a certain driver or a certain car? Do you watch for the strategy and the action? Do you watch to see the wrecks, or do you watch to compare with the good ole days?I watch now for the strategy and what I hope will be a good race with good sportmanship and no terrible accidents. In short, I would say I like to see a REAL race. And the reason I am a member here is because I believe in preservation, restoration, and most of all I believe in Mr. Jeff Gilder.Still turning left except when I drive to work,Devin