Billy & Barbara Scott

Scott, Earnhardt,Kiser, Plyler Lead The Pack In Packing Concord 1970s'

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A field full of top cars at Concord Speedway in Concord, N.C.right to left front row: Billy Scott, Ralph Earnhardt, Bill Kiser, and Hayward Plyler.Back in the pack is #3 Johnny Miller, Bill Banker, Booby Harrington and others. 1970s.

Billy and Barbara Scott Collection by Shirley Simpson Taylor
Billy & Barbara Scott
@billy-barbara-scott   14 years ago
Thanks Jim, for commenting on our phtos and as the old saying goes "Those were the days". They really were and we still talk about things which happened back then and we actuall miss those days. We do remember the Wallace boys as we were good friends with Larry and Bryant. Bryant drove a car into third and fourth turn like no other could. He went in side ways and came out with a straight shoot down front stretch!!! That's racing!!!God bless Jim and we love you,Billy and Barbara
@kathy-woodsisters21   13 years ago
Now this shot is a treasure. I love it!Kathy
Howard Bost Jr
@howard-bost-jr   12 years ago
wasnt the 3 outside second row johnny miller?
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